Accounting–Career, AAS

Program Description

The Applied Associate of Science (AAS) in Accounting-Career is a hands-on, career-focused program designed to equip the student with practical accounting skills for immediate employment in the workforce. The student will develop a strong foundation of accounting principles, financial practices, and business fundamentals. This program emphasizes real-world applications of accounting principles to prepare the student for entry-level accounting positions.

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI (in program)
Student must complete six (6) credits of General Education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
ARTS/HUM/IT/ORAL/SOC/WR2 (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
ACCT 2010Principles of Accounting I

4 credits

ACCT 2020Principles of Accounting II

3 credits

ACCT 2110Quickbooks Accounting

2 credits

ACCT 2230Intermediate Accounting I

3 credits

ACCT 2430Income Tax

3 credits

ACCT 2450Cost Accounting

3 credits

BADM 1000Introduction to Business

3 credits

BADM 1005Business Math I

3 credits

BADM 1020Business Communications

3 credits

BADM 2010Legal Environment of Business

3 credits

CMAP 1765Spreadsheet Applications:

3 credits

ECON 1010Macroeconomics

3 credits

ECON 1020Microeconomics

3 credits

MGT 3110Business Ethics

3 credits

MGT 3210Management and Organization

3 credits

PFDV 1500Managing Career Development

3 credits

CMAP 1765: Students who have limited or no computer experience must take CMAP 1200 as a general elective.

General Electives (5 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 60