MGT 3110 Business Ethics

This course is designed to equip the student with practical concepts and methodologies essential for developing a successful career as an organizational leader and ethical decision-maker. The student will engage with critical issues relevant to all businesses, such as corporate responsibilities to both society and the organization, ethical challenges, leadership rooted in integrity, organizational governance, and the frameworks for responsible and strategic decision-making. (3 lect.) HUM


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Responsibilities to business and society
  • History of business ethics
  • Cultural and global beliefs, values, and ethical principles
  • Ethics issues embedded in managerial situations and decisions
  • Ethical leadership responsibilities
  • Organizational governance
  • Process of responsible decision-making
  • Managerial and strategic decision-making


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Distinguish differences between ethical and moral dilemmas faced in business.

2. Evaluate why ethical decisions are confusing, stressful, and risky.

3. Analyze historical and current ethical principles and moral rules that govern and limit conduct in business.

4. Evaluate various types of unethical business decisions and how they adversely affect stakeholders in organizations.

5. Evaluate the ethical climate of an organization.

6. Critique competing theories of practical ethics, including the student's personal ethical orientation.

7. Assess the decision-making process, which includes searching for alternatives, comparing and evaluating alternatives, and implementing decisions.

8. Propose an action plan that outlines the following: the details of an ethical issue, a stakeholder analysis, possible solutions, a final proposed solution, and the potential impact the solution may have on others.

9. Evaluate attributes of ethical leadership.