LEAD 4060 Relational Leadership

In this advanced course the student will create processes that address components of relational leadership including empowerment, purpose, ethical behaviors, and process orientation. The student will evaluate communication practices for effectively leading teams by formulating teamwork empowerment and workplace multi-cultural practices. The student will create processes for communication in navigating conflict to achieve collaboration and empowerment through delegation and feedback. Prerequisites: Completion of LEAD 3050, LEAD 3110, and LEAD 4005. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Conflict navigation
  • Empowerment
  • Purpose
  • Ethical behavior
  • Process orientation
  • Collaboration


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Evaluate communication practices for effective leadership in teams.

2. Formulate teamwork practices that empower members.

3. Create a communication process for navigating conflict.

4. Evaluate practices that establish trust, integrity, and humility.

5. Formulate a supportive process addressing multi-culturalism in the workplace.

6. Create a process of empowerment through delegation and feedback.

7. Evaluate the differing achievement outcomes between management and leadership.

8. Develop a model for moving teams from cooperation to collaboration.