Early Childhood Education, BAS

Program Description

The BAS in Early Childhood Education provides the student with a broad base of academic experiences in the subject areas necessary for teachers of young children Pre-Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Coursework includes foundations of education, elementary math and science courses, educational assessment, psychology, special education, technology and literature courses. The student will have opportunities to practice skills being learned during field experiences in the Preschool and K-3 settings.

Students are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.5 before enrolling in upper division courses (3000 and above). Before graduation students will be required to attempt the Education of Young Children Praxis 5024.

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1)3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2)3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000)3 credits
MATH/APPM(in program)
ARTS/HUM/IT/LSCI(in program)
ORAL(in program)
SOC(in program)
UNST1 credits
Gen Elec *(in program)

* General Elective course EDEL-2280 Literature for Children included in the program

Program Requirements

Lower Level Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
BIOL 1020Life Science

4 credits

COMM 2010Public Speaking

3 credits

COMM 2130Human Relations

3 credits

EDEC 1020Introduction to Early Childhood Education

3 credits

EDEC 1100Observation and Guidance of Young Children

3 credits

EDEC 1300Curriculum Planning and Development for Young Children

2 credits

EDEC 1305Curriculum Planning/Dev Young Child Lab

1 credits

EDEC 2000Engaging Families in Early Childhood Education Settings

3 credits

EDEC 2200Early Childhood Practicum

3 credits

EDEL 2140Teaching Literacy in the Elem School

3 credits

EDEL 2280Literature for Children

3 credits

EDEX 2484Intro to Special Education

3 credits

EDFD 1101Intro to Education

2 credits

EDFD 2100Educational Psychology

3 credits

EDST 2250Educational Assessment

3 credits

FCSC 2121Child Development

4 credits

HLED 2006Health for Elementary Educators

1 credits

ITEC 2360Teaching and Learning with Educational Technology

3 credits

MATH 1100Number and Operations for Elementary School Teachers

3 credits

MATH 1105Data, Probability and Algebra for Elementary School Teachers

3 credits

PSYC 1000General Psychology

4 credits

Upper Level Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
EDCI 3130Teaching Social Studies in Elementary School

2 credits

EDCI 3140Teaching Reading in Elementary

2 credits

EDCI 3150Teaching Math in Elementary School

2 credits

EDCI 3160Teaching Science in Elementary

2 credits

EDEC 3220School Programs for Young Children

3 credits

EDEC 4320Oral and Written Language Acquisition

3 credits

EDEC 4350Health Management Issues in Early Education

3 credits

EDEC 4230Creating Curriculum for Children with Special Needs

3 credits

EDEC 4250Laws and Litigation in Early Childhood Special Education

2 credits

EDEL 4500Residency in Teaching

11 credits

EDEL 4500Residency in Teaching

11 credits

EDEX 3340Differentiating Instruction in Diverse Classrooms

3 credits

FCSC 3220Multicultural Influences on Children and Families

3 credits

FCSC 4124Families of Young Children with Special Needs

3 credits

EDEL 4500 is a class that students are required to take two times as part of their graduation requirements. During each of these classes they are taking different methods classes concurrently with this course.

Total Credit Hours: 122