In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Deliver a minimum of four speeches with varying emphases using a presentation aid in at least one.
2. Apply various listening skills including open listening, critical listening, and active listening.
3. Demonstrate intercultural competence by conducting audience analyses in order to adjust both topic and language for diverse groups.
4. Research a chosen topic and compile useful information for speech preparation and delivery.
5. Create outlines of at least three speeches utilizing appropriate organizational patterns.
6. Integrate suitable delivery techniques into speeches that are delivered in a confident, competent, and conversational manner.
7. Utilize technology in one or more of the following ways: research and writing assignments, recording and evaluating speeches, or preparing presentation aids to reinforce speech impact.
Graded Speeches: (1) an impromptu speech, (2) an informative speech, (3) an argumentative speech, (4) a persuasive speech. Impromptu Speeches: Students will deliver as many impromptu speeches that time allows, at least one must be graded. Outlines: Students will turn in a minimum of three formal outlines. Peer Evaluations: Students will complete peer evaluations for the three major speeches (informative, argumentative, and persuasive).