MGT 4400 Leadership Practicum
This course provides the student the opportunity to incorporate their leadership skills in a structured environment. The student may use his or her own workplace, or establish a team or internship setting in which they will integrate comprehensive knowledge gained from previous coursework in effective leadership. The student will gain practical application of personal and organizational leadership within the context of a practicum. The student will summarize the experience and devise a plan in which they may continue to strengthen their effectiveness. Prerequisite: completion of or concurrent enrollment in MGT 3005,
MGT 3010, and MGT 4005. (1 lect., 2 lab)
Major Topics
- Self-Analysis of Leadership on the Job
- Individual and Organizational Performance Criteria
- Real Time Analysis/Evaluation Around Conflict Resolution, Communication and Listening, Organization, Decision-Making, Empowerment, Goal Setting and Performance
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Measuring and Monitoring Results
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Develop a growth mindset for continuous improvement.
2. Incorporate leadership principles and practices in a real world situation.
3. Specify an organizational issue that will benefit from an intervention.
4. Create an improvement plan to address the identified organizational issue.
5. Report results following intervention in the organization's system.
6. Critique leadership growth and performance.
7. Create a long-term leadership development plan.