MGT 4395 Business and Entr Capstone

This capstone course serves as a comprehensive evaluation, offering the student the opportunity to showcase their integrated knowledge and development in business and entrepreneurship. The student will apply core business concepts to tackle complex, real-world scenarios. Through critical problem-solving, the student will connect academic theory with global business practices. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Management and marketing principles
  • Collaborative work environments
  • Business planning
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Entrepreneurship and business leadership
  • Business communication
  • Ethics in business


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Evaluate the changing workforce and organizations in a global environment.

2. Integrate business and entrepreneurship models for a capstone project.

3. Critique the macro-environmental issues of business including the ethical and political climate that influences business decisions.

4. Evaluate the different subfields of a business including marketing, finance and accounting, management and leadership, and human resources.

5. Create a plan that addresses the problem or area of interest identified in the capstone project.

6. Propose research and recommendations related to the capstone project.