LEAD 3070 Self-Aware Leadership

This advanced course gives a unique perspective on time management geared toward juggling many obligations as it is created from input provided by experts at Central Wyoming College who assist directors, deans, vice presidents, and the president. Lists, calendars, prioritization, brain dumps, timed allotments, task efficiency, self-care, and being able to draw solid boundaries are necessary skills for keeping on track. Time management is crucial in management and leadership, and being able to do so can mean successful completion of desired goals or derail plans for advancement in all walks of life. This course is designed to give the student tools to manage time, discover where they are giving away valuable time, and enable efficiency to not only achieve but to have personal time to put towards practices that provide rejuvenation and well-being. Prerequisite: Completion of LEAD 3050. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Time management
  • Boundaries
  • Self-awareness
  • Stress


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Analyze personal assessment of growth mindset practices.

2. Evaluate boundary setting constructs.

3. Test margin time validity for innovation and clarity.

4. Critique professional practices for personal organization.

5. Examine personal time management deficits that hinder goal achievement.

6. Evaluate stress management techniques.

7. Create a comprehensive time management plan for personal use.