In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate safe working habits in the welding shop using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) processes.
2. Prepare pipe coupons for GTAW welding using a feathered edge.
3. Perform GTAW pipe welding using the lay wire and back feeding techniques to establish a root bead.
4. Evaluate welds for common root bead defects.
5. Repair root bead defects using the GTAW process.
6. Demonstrate welding the hot pass and filler passes using the "Walking the Cup " technique.
7. Demonstrate welding the hot pass and filler passes with the SMAW process.
8. Evaluate welds for common defects that may occur in GTAW and SMAW processes.
9. Repair defects associated with GTAW and SMAW processes.
10. Evaluate pipe coupons for heat distortion and mitigation options using metallurgical principles.