WELD 1780 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding on Plate

This course provides training in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) to develop the skills necessary to provide high quality welds on carbon steel and stainless steel plate. Topics of study include: safety in the welding industry, electrode specification and classification, multi-pass fillet welds, V-grooves with backing, and open V-grooves in all positions. Prerequisite: Completion of WELD 1610, WELD 1710, and WELD 1750. (1 lect. 4 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Safety in welding
  • Gas tungsten arc welding torch or electrode holder
  • Inert gases
  • GTAW electrode classification
  • GTAW welding rod classification
  • GTAW welding rod specification
  • GTAW DCEP, DCEN, and AC polarity


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Communicate for a safe working environment in welding.

2. Breakdown and rebuild a GTAW torch.

3. Select the proper welding gas for the steel that is to be welded.

4. Select the proper welding electrode for the steel that is to be welded.

5. Select the proper welding rod for the steel that is to be welded.

6. Select the proper current for welding (carbon steel, stainless steel plate).

7. Compose a paper on the history of GTAW and its importance to the welding industry.

Other Information

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