OEAC 2058 Backcountry Skiing and Snowboarding

This is an intermediate level course designated only for the student with previous experience downhill skiing or snowboarding. The student will practice backcountry snow travel using either alpine touring skis or a split snowboard. The student will learn to use climbing skins, route-find, and assess avalanche hazards in mountainous terrain. Additionally, the course presents an overview of equipment, proper clothing and risk management techniques for winter backcountry travel in the mountains. Skis, split snowboard, and boots are provided, but the student must have appropriate clothing for severe winter conditions. (2 lab)


1 credits

Major Topics

  • "Leave No Trace" techniques for winter travel
  • Selection of foods, clothing, and equipment for the winter environment
  • Physical conditioning and training
  • Proper climbing technique using climbing skins
  • Downhill ski and snowboard technique
  • Winter navigation
  • Cold-related injury prevention and care
  • Avalanche awareness


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate the progression of skills required for backcountry skiing or snowboarding.

2. Manage risks associated with traveling in remote wilderness in winter conditions.

3. Plan an extended day trip to ski or snowboard in a backcountry setting.

4. Evaluate the likelihood of an avalanche on a variety of slope aspects and angles.