CRMJ 2230 Law of Evidence

This course introduces the student to the basic laws and rules of evidence as they apply to civil and criminal trials with an emphasis on their application in criminal trials and investigations. The course will explore the historical development of the law of evidence and various types of evidence including presumptions and burdens of proof, hearsay evidence, the exclusionary rule, evidentiary privileges, witness examination and testimony, and related legal evidentiary issues. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Basic laws and rules of evidence including federal rules of evidence applicable in criminal and civil trials
  • Historical development of the laws and rules of evidence
  • Presumptions and burdens of proof
  • Hearsay evidence
  • Exclusionary rule
  • Evidentiary privileges
  • Witness examination and testimony


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Explain the various types of evidence, basic evidentiary rules, and federal rules of evidence.

2. Analyze the historical development of the rules and laws of evidence.

3. Explain the principles underlying the admissibility or exclusion of evidence.

4. Distinguish between presumptions and burdens of proof for the prosecution and defense in a criminal and civil trial.

5. Analyze significant rules of and laws pertaining to evidence, hearsay, the exclusionary rule, evidentiary privileges, and witness testimony.

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