CRMJ 2210 Criminal Law

This course introduces the student to the fundamental principles of substantive criminal law including the nature, origins, structure, and purposes of criminal law. This will include constitutional limits on criminal law, general principles of criminal liability, doctrines of complicity and inchoate crimes, the elements of major crimes against persons, property, and morals and public order, and defenses to criminal liability, including excuse and justification. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Criminal law and the American justice system
  • Principles of criminal law and liability
  • Constitutional limits on criminal law
  • Elements of major crimes
  • Complicity and inchoate crimes
  • Defenses to criminal liability


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Examine the origins, purposes, and primary sources of criminal law.

2. Explore the constitutional limits on criminal law including void-for-vagueness and equal protection.

3. Analyze the principles and elements of criminal law and liability including the classification of crimes, parties to crime, complicity and inchoate crimes, and defenses to criminal liability.

4. Discuss the major crimes against persons and property.

5. Discuss major crimes against morals and public order.