ANSC 3150 Equine Nutrition and Physiology

This course provides a detailed examination of the anatomical, physiological, and biochemical processes within an equine's digestion, absorption, metabolism, and nutritional maintenance for equines. The student will explore the function of nutrients and the development of appropriate rations and dietary requirements. Prerequisites: Completion of BIOL 2022. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Feed compositions and impacts
  • Feed and supplement calculations
  • Equines nutritional status
  • Feed tag
  • Feed scientific components
  • Differentiate diets


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Examine the fundamental principles of equine nutrition.

2. Construct rations for individual equine nutritional needs.

3. Apply the scientific basis of the nutrition.

4. Value the role of nutrition within an equine body and the potential physiological and metabolic responses.

5. Argue potential risks of dietary choices.

Other Information

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