GEOG 2410 Advanced Geographic Information Systems

This course provides and introduction to the analysis techniques used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the application of the techniques to GIS problem solving. Topics include analyzing and querying tabular data, editing and modification of GIS data, spatial joins, raster and vector analysis, and the use of overlay tools. Prerequisites: Completion of GEOG 2310. (3 lect., 3 lab)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Queries in GIS
  • Spatial Joins
  • Map Overlay and Geoprocessing
  • Raster Analysis
  • Network Analysis
  • Geocoding
  • Editing
  • Topology
  • Metadata


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Discuss and apply the techniques required to query special and attribute data and to determine special patterns

2. Explain the purpose and outline the capabilities of spatial joins; apply techniques in spatial joins to create a thematic map

3. Utilize map overlay operations to analyze multiple variables in a geographic area and create a thematic map bases on this analysis

4. Define and describe raster functions and demonstrate the applications of spatial analysis techniques in raster analysis and conversions

5. Identify the different properties of transportation and utility networks; describe their function and related terminology; perform network tracing analyses

6. Define geocoding and discuss the different types of geocoding locators; design and utilize and address locator service

7. Discuss and demonstrate techniques to preserve topological rules during editing including the application of merge, union, intersect, clip, modify and reshape functions

8. Identify and demonstrate techniques for digitizing complex shapes of polygons and for editing shared lines and polygons with map and planar topology

9. Identify the role of metadata standards and how these standards relate to each other; discuss issues in data quality; demonstrate the use of the metadata editor and templates to create metadata