GEOG 2190 Intro to Programming Geospatial Information Science and Technology

This course provides an introduction to advanced geoprocessing techniques and scripting. Topics include working with a model builder, scripting fundamentals and geographic information system (GIS) customization. Prerequisites: Completion of GEOG 1200, GEOG 2310, GEOG 2410, and MATH 1400. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Geoprocessing Fundamentals
  • Working with a Model Builder
  • Scripting Fundamentals
  • Scripting and Geoprocessing
  • Advanced Scripting and Geoprocessing Concepts


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Outline the history of geoprocessing; explain the geoprocessing object; identify appropriate uses for a model builder; describe and apply scripting, and programming techniques for geoprocessing; customize the geographic information system (GIS) environment to facilitate geoprocessing

2. Describe the properties of a model; combine the elements of a model to solve a geoprocessing task; utilize intermediate datasets to execute specific tools in a model; incorporate parameters into a model; carry out batch processing of models; build models that incorporate variables, iterations and lists

3. Identify the characteristics of scripting language; design scripts adhering to the basic syntax rules; incorporate slicing, lists, and control structures; and execute scripts

4. Access the geoprocessor object through a script; modify geoprocessing environment settings through scripting; create scripting tool; and incorporate error trapping into a script

5. Incorporate advanced geoprocessing functionality in scripting; utilize enumerations and cursors to process datasets; incorporate geoprocessing model objects into script writing; and incorporate a script into a model