GEOG 2310 Intro to Geographic Information Systems

This course introduces fundamental concepts associated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Topics include geospatial data models; data acquisition; data integration from global positioning systems (GPS) and geocoding. Additional class time will be devoted to data manipulation, presentation and editing. Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 0900 or test into MATH 0920 or higher. (3 lect., 3 lab.)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Introduction: Foundation and Origins of GIS
  • Geodetic Framework: Map Projections and Coordinate Systems
  • Data Formats and Management: Raster and Vector Data
  • Introduction to Spatial Analysis
  • Database fundamentals
  • Attribute Data Input
  • Acquiring Data from Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
  • Attribute and Statistical Analysis
  • Editing and Topology
  • Geocoding


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Describe the history, development, and progression of Geographic Information Systems

2. Define, discuss, and apply the components of geographic information systems including coordinate systems and map projections

3. Describe the characteristics of raster and vector data and compare and contrast the applications of vector vs. raster

4. Discuss, design, and demonstrate the means by which spatial and non-spatial data are collected, stored, and retrieved

5. Design, create, and utilize a personal geodatabase; identify and discuss general principles of database operations

6. Investigate and acquire spatial and tabular data from various sources

7. Apply techniques in acquiring data from Global Positioning Systems

8. Discuss the importance of data quality and integrity; apply basic statistical analysis techniques to datasets

9. Define and apply appropriate editing and topology operations to GIS maps and data

10. Describe geocoding styles available for GIS data; demonstrate the process of address matching and the addition of features