Artist Certificate II

Program Description

The Artist’s Certificate is for the art student who wants to focus only on studio art courses. The credential does not require any general education courses.

Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 2145Digital Photography I

3 credits

Program Electives

Student must choose twenty-seven (27) credits from the following courses:

Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 1005Drawing I

3 credits

ART 1110Foundation - Two Dimensional

3 credits

ART 1120Foundation - Three Dimensional

3 credits

ART 1130Foundations: Color Theory

3 credits

ART 1150B&W Film Photography I

3 credits

ART 1160B&W Film Photography II

3 credits

ART 1177Digital Imaging

3 credits

ART 2010Art History I

3 credits

ART 2020Art History II

3 credits

ART 2140Photography III

3 credits

ART 2141Professional Practice in the Arts

1 credits

ART 2146Digital Photography II

3 credits

ART 2150Color Photography I

3 credits

ART 2177Digital Imaging II

3 credits

ART 2210Painting I

3 credits

ART 2220Painting II

3 credits

ART 2230Painting III

3 credits

ART 2310Sculpture I

3 credits

ART 2320Sculpture II

3 credits

ART 2330Sculpture III

3 credits

ART 2345Art Metal Casting

3 credits

ART 2385Art Glass I

3 credits

ART 2386Art Glass II

3 credits

ART 2387Art Glass III

3 credits

ART 2405Advanced Projects - 2D

3 credits

ART 2406Advanced Projects - 3D

3 credits

ART 2410Ceramics I

3 credits

ART 2420Ceramics II

3 credits

ART 2430Ceramics III

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 30