Application for Graduation

Students who complete the published requirements for one or more certificates and/or degrees are eligible to graduate from Central Wyoming College. In order to graduate, it is highly recommended that students apply for graduation by completing the graduation application online.  The application is located in the student's MyCentral account via the Rustler Central (Self-Service) Icon then click into the Graduation Overview. Completion of the graduation application will assure the potential graduate’s preferences are honored for the graduate's name as printed on the diploma, confirmed mailing address, academic program, attendance at the commencement ceremony in the spring and publication of their degree. 

A completed Degree Audit signed by the appropriate academic dean must be submitted to the Student Records office by the graduation application deadline. A Degree Audit can be obtained by seeing the student’s advisor. The graduation application deadline is posted on the Graduation page of the CWC website, in the student handbook and in the course schedule.