PSYC 2380 Social Psychology

The psychology of human interaction-socialization, attitudes, group processes, communications, and social influences are covered. Prerequisite: Completion of four credit hours in PSYC courses, or instructor's permission. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Social psychology methods
  • The social self
  • Social cognition
  • Social attribution
  • Emotion
  • Attitudes, behavior, and rationalization
  • Persuasion
  • Social influence
  • Relationships and attraction
  • Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
  • Groups
  • Aggression
  • Altruism and cooperation


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Investigate the role of self in the social and cultural environment.

2. Analyze how situations influence personal beliefs and judgments.

3. Examine the impact of culture on personal prejudices, stereotyping, and discrimination.

4. Analyze how conformity, compliance, and obedience influence personal relationship to authority.

5. Examine personal contributions that impact group dynamics.

6. Analyze how demographics play a role in personal choice to use aggressive and/or violent behaviors.

7. Examine personal affiliation and intimate relationships.

8. Outline how personal situations are partially determined by a sense of responsibility to the world.

9. Investigate the role of behavioral awareness in cooperation or conflict.