ORTM 1000 Foundations of Recreation and Tourism

This course provides the student with foundational knowledge of outdoor recreation practices and delineates a variety of career options in the field of outdoor recreation. A detailed study includes delivery of recreational programming through parks, public recreation, nonprofit organizations, commercial recreation and tourism, and therapeutic recreation. In addition, this course will cover how U.S. public lands are managed for a variety of recreational activities. (2 lect., 2 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW

Major Topics

  • Foundational history, philosophy, and understanding of the field in relation to the individual and society
  • Natural resources and human interaction with the environment for recreational use
  • Interaction of state, federal, and local governments with outdoor recreation
  • Nature of outdoor recreation as a profession
  • Careers in outdoor recreation


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Discuss the historical, philosophical, and social aspects of the field of outdoor recreation.

2. Analyze recreation programming and delivery systems utilized in various settings and service areas.

3. Describe how outdoor recreation provides enriching, enjoyable, and educational programs and services for people of all ages.

4. Compare career options available and common paths to those careers.