MATH 2205 Calculus II
Calculus, one of the classical topics in mathematics, is the study of change. It is useful both in scientific fields and in applied studies from engineering to the life sciences. The primary goals of this course are to master the fundamental concepts and techniques of integral calculus in one variable, and to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. Prerequisite: Completion of
MATH 2200. (5 lect.)
Major Topics
- Applications of integration
- Integration techniques
- Introduction to differential equations
- Sequences and infinite series
- Power series
- Parametric and polar curves
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Utilize integration techniques and numerical approximations to calculate integrals.
2. Apply techniques of integration to real-world situations.
3. Analyze first-order differential equations and their slope fields.
4. Analyze sequences, series, and their convergence.
5. Investigate the properties and applications of Power Series.
Other Information
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Contact the Math department or the bookstore regarding the text in use.