HLTK 1665 Electrocardiography Techniques

This course introduces electrocardiography principles and procedures. Topics include the structure and function of the heart with emphasis on the conduction system, electrode and lead placement, and rhythm interpretation. Also covered is troubleshooting EKG recording abnormalities and interventions in response to cardiac dysrhythmias. (1 lect.)


1 credit

Major Topics

  • Cardiac anatomy, physiology, and electrical conduction system
  • Patient preparation and positioning
  • Electrode and lead placement
  • EKG adaptations and troubleshooting
  • Rhythm interpretation
  • Medical and nonmedical cardiac emergencies


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Explain the anatomy and electrophysiology of the heart.

2. Demonstrate electrode and lead placement.

3. Identify EKG artifacts.

4. Interpret EKG tracings, identifying normal and abnormal rhythms.

5. Examine interventions in response to cardiac dysrhythmias.