EQST 2815 Fundamentals of Teaching Riding II
Fundamentals of Teaching Riding II is a continuation of EQST 2800. It includes preparation for the prospective riding instructor, safety around a horse, proper seat position and its application to dressage, jumping, western riding, class control, longe line work and evaluation of physiological problems in riding. During this course the student will prepare lessons and teach alongside another instructor, then progress to teaching lessons independently. Prerequisite: Successful completion of EQST 2800. (2 lect., 2 lab)
Major Topics
- Physiological problems in riding
- Development of a riding program
- Instructor professionalism
- Student/teacher relationship and confidentiality
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate effective teaching methods and skills.
2. Prepare and present equestrian studies lessons to the class.
3. Utilize an assistant while teaching group lessons.
4. Demonstrate professionalism by preparing and presenting oral and written evaluations of other students.
5. Evaluate physiological problems in riding.
6. Match horse and rider in terms of experience and physical compatibility.
7. Fit horse and rider with appropriate tack and equipment.