ENTR 4050 Entrepreneurship Essentials

This course prepares entrepreneurs with the essential framework for examining and launching a new start-up or improving an existing business. The student will explore the fundamentals of building a business model and then apply that model to their own idea or business concept. (4 lect.)


4 credits

Major Topics

  • Personal vision and values
  • Concept development
  • Marketing plan
  • Competitive positioning
  • Financial pro forma
  • Legal considerations
  • Communication plan


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Evaluate personal values and core competencies relative to your business or business concept.

2. Evaluate a business model or idea.

3. Develop a comprehensive business plan integrating financial, marketing, operational, and strategic components.

4. Assess the feasibility of a business or business concept.

5. Analyze startup financial statements including startup financing, investment, and raising capital.

6. Evaluate startup legal considerations including intellectual property and forms of organization.

7. Produce written and oral communication including storytelling, story boarding, and pitching.