ENGL 1020 English Composition II

An extension of ENGL 1010. Further refines the student’s abilities to gather and synthesize material from independent reading. The student will study language both to appreciate its precise control and to interpret the experience of others. College-level essays (including a research paper) and oral presentations are required. Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 1010. (3 lect.) WR2


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Composition
  • Critical and analytical reading
  • Elements of literature
  • MLA research techniques


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Examine a range of critical reading approaches to read and respond to literature.

2. Apply the accepted conventions of spelling, grammar, structure, and punctuation for Standard English.

3. Implement multiple drafts, revision, computer technology, peer and instructor comments, and collaboration in written communication.

4. Critique literature orally and in writing.

5. Create oral presentations that address questions relevant to studying literature.

6. Compose essays that address questions relevant to studying literature producing a minimum of fifteen MLA-formatted pages (comprising no less than three essays and no more than five, one of which will include research).

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