CRMJ 4030 Crisis Communication and Public Relations

The media wields an enormous amount of influence in how communities perceive law enforcement. The course provides practical information and strategies to effectively manage and maintain control of communications in a variety of modalities. The student will examine challenges law enforcement leaders encounter in the areas of communication and crisis management messaging and how those challenges influence community perception and support. The student will analyze the state of contemporary media and its impact on law enforcement. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Media sources
  • Communication channels
  • Crisis strategies
  • Audience analysis
  • Law enforcement leadership roles


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Critique contemporary media and their impact on law enforcement.

2. Evaluate strategies for effective communication with various media sources and outlets.

3. Compose communication strategies for inter-agency, intra-agency, and external stakeholders and audiences.

4. Create a crisis communication plan for an agency or organization.