AGRI 1100 Intro to Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)

This course examines various forms of controlled environment agriculture including hydroponics, indoor vertical farming, and greenhouse production. The student will study the basics of intensive, high-value crop production in a fully automated shipping container farm and climate controlled greenhouse through lectures, hands-on activities, and guest speakers. (2 lect., 2 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Hydroponic plant production from seed to harvest
  • Nutrient management and delivery
  • Climate control and automation
  • Supplemental lighting
  • Produce harvest and distribution
  • Food safety


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define controlled environment agriculture (CEA).

2. Explain different types of CEA operations.

3. Demonstrate management of a CEA facility for optimal crop production.

4. Analyze the environmental factors that affect plant growth in controlled environments.

5. Evaluate different CEA crops for their profitability and return on investment.

6. Compare CEA and traditional farming systems.