AECL 1060 Market Farming:

This course introduces the student to essential farm and garden skills applicable to everything from backyards to commercial scale operations. The student will study the core principles of regenerative small farm management including soil health and preparation, crop variety selection, planting techniques and timing, harvesting, season extension strategies, and marketing. Emphasis is placed on how each subject fits into the broader framework of a successful farm or garden, enabling the student to develop a holistic, well-coordinated approach to growing food. (0.5-1 lect., 1-4 lab)


1-3 credits

Major Topics

  • Crop planning and variety selection
  • Seed starting
  • Soil health and management
  • Planting techniques
  • Irrigation methods
  • Pest and weed management
  • Harvest and marketing
  • Composting
  • Season extension


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Describe the essential activities performed on specialty crop farms throughout the season.

2. Explain how each essential activity is related and integrated.

3. Compare different management methods in relation to growing specialty crops.

4. Apply regenerative principles.

5. Discuss the impact of local food production in the broader context of the food system.