ART 2010 Art History I
This course is the first semester of a one-year survey of art history. The course will begin with the Paleolithic era and finish with Gothic art. Within this time span, students will learn of various social, economic, and historical factors which motivated and conditioned the aesthetic forms. Students will also learn to recognize the stylistic characteristics of each period. (3 lect.) HUM
Major Topics
- Paleolithic and Neolithic Art
- Mesopotamia and Persia
- Egypt Under the Pharoahs
- Ancient Greece through the Roman Empire
- Late Antiquity (Christian, Pagan, and Jewish Art)
- Byzantium
- Islamic World
- Medieval Europe
- Native Arts of the Americas before 1300 ca
- African Art before 1800 ca
- South and Southeast Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Java, Cambodia) Before 1200 ca
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Compare and contrast cultures and specific art periods
2. Identify works of art, art periods, and their cultural context
3. Evaluate the effect of works of art on culture
4. Analyze how and why a work of art was created
Other Information
Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:
Evaluation tool must include a 6-8 page research paper on findings