Career and Job Placement Services

The CWC Career Services office supports enrolled CWC college students and can assist them with finding a major, a career, or provide career path exploration. Assistance with employment readiness skills such as resume and cover letter writing, mock interviewing, student employment (on and off campus) is available as are internships and job shadowing opportunities. Our CWC Career Services website has a host of additional information and resources for students ( that can be accessed at their convenience. There is a CWC Career Services job board on the Riverton campus and CWC students seeking employment should schedule an appointment (in person or via Zoom) with the Career Services Coordinator, Angel Jahnke ( or 307-855-2247). New positions and opportunities are often emailed to students as they become available. The CWC Career Services office is located in Rustler Central on the main Riverton campus and we look forward to assisting students with their career focused needs.