ART 1175 Mobile Device Photography

This course covers mobile photography, which is the act of capturing an image on a mobile device such as a cell phone or tablet. The student will then share the image to the Internet via email or social media. Digital Images will be edited with downloadable apps. (.5 lect., 1 lab)


1 credit

Major Topics

  • Elements of Visual Art: Line, Shape, Texture, Color/Value
  • Mobile Device Use
  • Set Focus
  • Adjust Exposure Manually
  • Text, Email, Post to Social Media
  • Save, Backup, Archive Images to a PC and the Cloud


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify how the elements of visual arts relate to photography.

2. Apply the elements of visual art to projects.

3. Create images using a mobile device in a variety of contexts.

4. Create images using the mobile photography process.