EQST 2800 Fundamentals of Teaching Riding I
Fundamentals of Teaching Riding is a methods course to prepare the prospective riding instructor to teach individual and group riding. It includes methods of teaching safety around a horse, basic knowledge of a horse, seat and saddle. It includes application to dressage, jumping, western riding, longe line work, and kinesiology of riding and psychological problems. The student needs to supply a horse and tack for this course. (2 lect., 2 lab)
Major Topics
- Knowledge of and Safety Around the Horse
- Knowledge of Proper Position and its Application to Different Riding Disciplines
- Methods of Teaching and Evaluating Lessons
- Developing a Lesson Plan
- Presenting a Lesson to a Group
- Evaluation of Students for Effectiveness of Lessons
- Evaluation of a Lesson for Effectiveness and Safety
- Self-evaluation of Lessons Presented
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Understand teaching methods and skills.
2. Prepare a lesson plan combining horse safety and riding knowledge.
3. Present a lesson to the class to teach group riding lessons.
4. Prepare and present oral and written evaluations of self-developed and peer-developed lessons.
5. Evaluate the level of safety, group control and effectiveness of each lesson presented.