CRMJ 2100 Politics & Judicial Process

This course will examine the function of courts, characteristics of the judicial process, approaches to the study of judicial behavior, and the role of the courts as policy makers and the relationship of the court to other branches of government. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Role and functions of courts in the justice system
  • Courts and the political process.
  • Overview of the American Legal System
  • Structure and functioning of courts
  • Participants in the system
  • Rights, duties, and obligations associated with those in the judicial system and to those who come in contact with it.


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Describe the relationship of the courts to other branches of the government

2. Analyze and relate the various functions and missions of the courts

3. Compare and contrast the federal, state and local court systems

4. Identify and define the role of the actors in the judicial process, including judges, attorneys, victims, suspects and witnesses

5. Describe the basic process of a case through the court system

6. Describe how political influences are exerted on judicial decisions and differentiate between political and non-politically influenced judicial decisions.

7. Assess and analyze the role of courts as policy makers.

8. Explain the procedural and legal rights, duties and obligations of individuals in their interaction with the judicial system.

9. Analyze pre-trial, trial, appellate and sentencing procedures in the American legal system.

10. Assess the influence of political and other factors on these processes.