Wyoming Works Grant

The primary purpose of Wyoming Works is to provide programs and resources for adult students to learn a skill and secure employment. The program makes available individual grants for students enrolling in approved programs at a Wyoming community college. It also provides a mechanism for colleges to apply for resources in support of the creation of appropriate programs. The programs which qualify under this legislation are those which meet labor and economic development needs, and may be for-credit or non-credit.
Eligibility criteria includes the following:
- The student must make application for the grant at the time of admission and/or in any event prior to the commencement of the applicable credential program at the college.
- The student must be enrolled in a Commission-approved credential program eligible for Wyoming Works funding prior to the commencement of the program.
- The student must file and fully complete a FAFSA applicable to each semester in which the approved program spans, including compliance with all Financial Aid Office directives to provide data, documents and information necessary to complete any data authenticity review necessary to generate a valid EFC. Any unresolved data authenticity review necessary to generate a valid EFC shall render the student ineligible for student grant receipt for all applicable payment periods spanned by the FAFSA.
- The student must not be currently receiving (or expect to receive in any payment period within the length of the approved program) a scholarship under the Hathaway scholarship program established in W.S. 21-16-1301 through 21-16-1311.
- If the student is transferring from an approved program from one Wyoming community college to another approved program at a different Wyoming community college, the student must have requested transference of academic transcript and grant usage prior to the commencement of the approved program at the receiving college.
- The student must have earned a high school/home school equivalency diploma or state equivalency, if admittance into an approved program requires it, and the college provides the student assistance in achieving the diploma or equivalency certificate.
- The student must demonstrate Wyoming residency as determined by the community college at which the student is enrolled prior to the commencement of the program.
- The student must be a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien who meets the definition of an eligible non-citizen under federal Title IV requirements or requirements of a subsequent similar federal enactment.
- The student must be registered for selective service, if required.
- The student must not be in default on any federal Title IV education loan. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits a student who is otherwise eligible for a grant under this article and has fully repaid a defaulted loan or is no longer in default, from receiving a grant for future academic terms.
- The student must not owe a refund under a federal Title IV student financial aid program or a subsequent enacted similar federal student financial aid program, or a student financial aid program administered through the state. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits a student who is otherwise eligible for a grant under this article and has fully paid the refund owed, from receiving a grant for future academic terms.
- To maintain continuous eligibility for a grant in an approved program more than one semester in length, a student must:
- Have maintained continuous enrollment in an approved program;
- Have not exceeded the maximum grant amount allowable for the approved program in which the student is enrolled in any one (1) academic year;
- Have not exceeded the grant receipt for more than six (6) academic terms. A student's eligibility for a grant permanently terminates once the student has received three (3) years of grant disbursement as calculated by the financial aid office. Refer to the Financial Aid Office for information.
Eligible Programs:
Accounting Career, AAS **
Accounting-Bookkeeping, Cert I **
Administrative Assistant, AAS **
Automotive Technology, AAS*
Automotive Technology General, Cert I*
Automotive Technology General, Cert II*
Automotive Technology - Power Sports, AAS*
Automotive Technology - Power Sports, Cert I*
Automotive Technology - Power Sports, Cert II*
Business Administration, AS*
Business Management, AAS**
Certified Nursing Assistant - (NRST-1510 Nursing Assistant course leads to CNA certification) **
Computer Science, AS **
Computer Technology, AAS *
Criminal Justice, AA*
Criminal Justice, AAS*
Culinary Arts, AAS **
Culinary Arts, Cert I **
Dental Assistant, Cert I**
Dental Assistant, Cert II**
Electrical Apprenticeship, Cert II **
Entrepreneurship, AAS*
Entrepreneurship, Cert I*
Entrepreneurship, Cert II*
Equine Management: Teaching Riding Option, Cert I**
Equine Management: Training Option, AAS**
Equine Management: Training Option, Cert I**
Farm and Ranch Resource Management, AAS**
Farm and Ranch Resource Management, Cert I**
Farm and Ranch Management, Cert II**
Farrier Science, Cert II*
Hotel and Restaurant Management, AAS *
Human Services - Addiction Option, AAS **
Human Services - General Option, AAS **
Meat Processing, Cert II**
Medical Assistant, Cert I**
New Media, AAS **
Novice CDL Training ** (TTD-1500 Course)
Office Specialist, Cert II**
Office Support, Cert I**
Software Support Specialist, AAS **
Welding, AAS**
Welding, Cert I**
Welding, Cert II**
* Wyoming Works Standard Grant Eligible
** Wyoming Works Critical Grant Eligible
Award Calculation and Maximum Annual Grant Eligibility:
Award Levels
Wyoming Works Standard Grant maximum eligibility of $1,680 per academic year ($840/term)*
Wyoming Works Critical Grant maximum eligibility of $3,360 per academic year ($1,680/term) **
Award may vary based on length of program and enrollment level.
Proration may occur under consortium agreements.
Please see the Financial Aid office for more information.