SOC 1000 Sociological Principles

This course examines basic sociological concepts and methods such as socialization, norms, social differentiation, groups, institutions, social change, collective behavior, and deviation. (3 lect.) SOC


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • The study of social behavior between and among individuals, organizations and societies.
  • Social structures,
  • Social inequality,
  • Wealth, power, conflict and change.
  • Social forces influencing individuals, groups, and organizations


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define Sociology and its origins from both micro and macro perspectives. Identify the origins of sociology as a social science and understand its interconnectedness with other social and behavioral disciplines

2. Analyze societies, cultures and their social structures on personal, business and governmental levels and discuss the role and impact of sociological concepts in daily existence in institutions such as the family, government, business and religion.

3. Compare and contrast different social groups. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of the effect of social forces on members of different social groups and organizations over time.

4. Identify and discuss the contributions of individuals associated with the development of sociology and certain leading sociological theories such as: functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism.

5. Examine and interpret the diversity of focus, methodology and intentions of those examining sociological concepts. Understand and explain how information is obtained, analyzed and conclusions drawn in sociological areas.

6. Demonstrate how sociological concepts and theories can relate knowledge and explain social phenomena and be useful tools to guide and understand thinking and human relations.

7. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of the effect of social forces on members of different social groups and organizations

8. Differentiate and explain concepts of status, social stratification and collective behavior

9. Analyze deviant behavior, its causes and consequences and various forms of social control and groups

10. Appraise and evaluate life chances and the effect of wealth, power and prestige on social structures, stratification and social mobility

11. Examine, evaluate and Assess possible causes and the effects of social inequality in society, with emphasis on sexual gender, racial, ethnic, age and political inequality

12. Differentiate between conflict and change