ORTM 2800 Outdoor Leadership

This foundational course will focus on leadership development for adventure programs aimed at providing recreation, education, or therapy for their participants. Students will explore the history and philosophy of adventure programming, outdoor leadership skills, environmental stewardship, risk management and effective facilitation of adventure programs. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • The concepts, history, and evolution of outdoor leadership
  • The components of leadership theory
  • Assess values and ethics, which includes discussion of professionalism and moral development
  • Explore group facilitation techniques
  • Understand resource and program management


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of group dynamics, facilitation of adventure programs and judgment and decision making

2. Compare and contrast personal and group development techniques, challenge course types, leadership models and experiential education methods.

3. Examine and discuss public lands, environmental stewardship, program design, risk management, and expedition planning