ENR 1005 Trailbuilding I

This course prepares the student to design, lay out, construct and maintain natural surface multi-use single track trails using hand-tools. The student will master the fundamentals of sustainable trails through classroom and field-based activities. The student will identify, plan, and complete a sustainable trail project. (2-6 lab.)


1 - 3 credits

Major Topics

  • Trail Planning, Design, and Evaluation
  • Organizational Partnerships
  • Sustainable Trail Construction and Maintenance
  • Project Preparation
  • Project & Crew Management


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Design a sustainable multi-use trail or trail section.

2. Identify common potential impacts to natural and cultural resources.

3. Flag a trail corridor for construction.

4. Mitigate the impacts of erosion and traffic on a trail system during design and construction.

5. Create sustainable trail tread using a variety of hand tools and natural materials.

6. Evaluate the trail project through interviews with trail users and land managers.