ELEC 1650 Electrical Examination Preparation

This course is designed to prepare students to take the journeyman state electrical examination by helping them to be organized, employ exam taking strategies, and being both physically and mentally prepared. Students will read and understand the Wyoming Electrical Contractor/Trades Bulletin in order to answer questions most raised by examination candidates. Students will prepare for and take a simulated state journeyman examination under conditions similar to the state test. This examination will include National Electrical Code, electrical theory, and National Electrical Code calculations questions comparable to those likely to be seen on the state examination. After taking the examination, the instructor will review challenging questions with the students. (2 lect.)


2 credits

Major Topics

  • Review the Wyoming Electrical Contractor/Trades Examination Information Bulletin
  • Optimize the use of approved reference materials
  • Review electrical theory, code and calculations
  • Prepare mind and body for taking the examination
  • Identify and implement effective test taking strategies
  • Practice electrical examinations


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify the requirements, procedures and rules for taking the Wyoming state electrical examination.

2. Identify the parts of the NEC code and electrical theory that will most likely be on the examination.

3. Identify and discuss testing scenarios that could create challenges for students and develop contingency plans for these scenarios. These include the development of efficient test-taking strategies that will help students reduce stress and help manage their time more effectively.

4. Develop a plan for implementing tools that help alleviate stress and to ensure students are fully prepared to take the exam.

5. Identify the advantages of using NEC tabs to quickly locate answers to NEC questions.

6. Take a practice examination under similar conditions that students will experience during the real exam including effectively using approved reference materials.

7. Review and discuss the questions that students missed on the practice exam with the instructor to determine mistakes and where the correct answers can be located.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

Students must bring the following materials to class: 1. Current NEC Code Book 2. Ugly’s Electrical Reference Book 3. Mike Holt – Electrical Exam Preparation text 4. Six sharpened #2H pencils or two mechanical pens with extra #2H leads. 5. Two erasers 6. Two paperless calculators with extra batteries. 7. Extra glasses if they use them.