EDUC 2470 Outdoor Education Practicum

This course will provide a practicum for experiential learning in one of the following areas selected by the student: trail design and construction, public land management, environmental conservation education, guiding, outfitting, wilderness skills development, parks and recreation, or outdoor programs for public schools. As a part-time intern, the student will work closely with a practicum supervisor in a faculty-approved host organization. Flexible work schedule may be developed around student's class schedule. Prerequisites: Completion of Introduction to Outdoor Education (EDUC 1055), instructor's approval, and approval of a host organization. (8 lab)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Current best practices in outdoor education and recreation
  • Host organization mission, vision, and goals
  • Host organization organizational structure and business model
  • Some Major Topics will vary according to details of practicum project and location. Additional topics may also include:
  • Lesson planning, site selection, and delivery
  • Managing public lands for conflicting user groups
  • Recreation program design and delivery
  • Marketing and recruitment for outdoor programs
  • Outfitting and logistical support
  • Research for program development


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Work no fewer than 100 hours total as an intern and identify and explain the day to day operations of the host organization.

2. Complete project assignments demonstrating sound practices and techniques as determined by working with a practicum supervisor

3. Work to support the host organization’s mission

4. Explain the host organization’s business model and organizational structure

5. Prepare a mission statement reflecting your current philosophies in outdoor education and recreation considering diversity in the program

6. Develop a professional portfolio to include

6a. Documentation for completing 100 hours of work

6b. Documentation for meeting individual internship goals

6c. Self-performance evaluation

6d. Resume and sample cover letter

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

Assessment: Demonstration, participation, and performance rubric. 1. Internship opportunities may be paid or unpaid. 2. Off campus travel may be required as part of this course.