EDEC 2200 Early Childhood Practicum

The student will gain intensive, supervised teaching experience in an early childhood education setting. The focus will be on developing skills for the care and education of young children, developing a portfolio, plus increasing awareness of administrative skills and current issues in the field. During the semester, students are required to work/volunteer a total of 60 hours in a directed field experience at an instructor-approved site, and attend weekly discussion seminars as scheduled. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or completed approved background check is needed before placement in a classroom. See instructor on appropriate forms and required fee. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1100, EDEC 1300, and EDEC 1305 or instructor's permission. (1 lect., 4 lab.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Orientation overview
  • Review: child development, learning theories
  • Activity planning and implementation- group time, themes, discovery centers
  • Evaluation- self, others
  • Trends, issues in Early Childhood Education
  • Professional commitment, personal growth, portfolios
  • Examining values and ethics
  • Developing a teaching style and personal philosophy
  • Perspectives on early childhood education
  • Assessments and evaluations
  • Job search: resumes, cover letters, and interviews


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify personal learning objectives to be met during the practicum experience

2. Communicate with the lead teacher to plan objectives and curriculum for the children

3. Submit proposed lesson plans and teach a thematic unit of study to a diverse classroom of children in an early childhood environment for a minimum of one week covering all of the curriculum areas

4. Prepare a mission statement reflecting your current philosophies in Early Childhood Education considering diversity in the classroom

5. Read and discuss articles from professional journals relating to current trends, issues in Early Childhood Education

6. Develop a professional portfolio to include

6a. Documentation for completing 60 hours of student teaching

6b. Documentation for meeting individual goals

6c. Weekly journal entries

6d. Student Teaching Evaluation Form

6e. Current Trends/Issues in Early Childhood Education from two articles including personal perspective on proposed solutions

6f. Resume including cover letter

6g. Parent newsletter to be sent home regarding your unit of study -

7. Role play as an interviewee for an Early Childhood Education position

8. Complete all 60 practicum hours; attend and participate in discussions during seminar sessions; arrange with lead teacher to make up excused practicum absences