CHEM 2420 Organic Chemistry I

The first semester of a one-year sequence in organic chemistry. The courses are approached from the viewpoint of modern chemical theory with special emphasis on structural and mechanistic concepts. Students desiring a one-semester terminal course should take CHEM 2300. Students earning credit in CHEM 2420 may not earn credit in CHEM 2300. Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 1030.  (3 lect., 3 lab)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Bonding and Isomerism
  • Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
  • Aromatic Compounds
  • Stereoisomerisms
  • Organic Hologen Compounds
  • Qualitative organic laboratory techniques


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Write structures and formulas for organic molecules.

2.Identify functional groups and determine bond hybridization.

3. Name organic structures using IUPAC nomenclature system.

4. Draw Newman projections.

5. Learn steps of alkane halogenation.

6. Write the products given reactants.

7. Be able to draw straight chain, cyclic, and branched structures from molecular formulas.

8. Draw the conformations of cyclohexane.

9. Learn the types of stereoisomers and be able to assign the absolute (R,S) configuration to a chiral compound.

10. Learn to draw Fischer projections.

11. Learn the characteristics of substitution and elimination reactions and write reaction mechanisms.