FCSC 4124 Families of Young Children with Special Needs

The student will explain the importance of including the family in the process of early intervention with the preschool child, particularly if the child has special needs.  Examining and assessing family needs, engaging the family in goal setting, and working with the family to create a strong parent-professional partnership will be the main content areas in this course. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 2000 or FCSC 2131, and EDEX 2484. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Impact of having a special needs child
  • Collaborating with families and professionals
  • Identifying agencies and support systems
  • Ethical issues


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Evaluate the impact on the family of a young child with exceptional needs.

Develop communication skills to be utilized in relating positively to parents and professionals.

Explore how to work effectively with families representing various social, multicultural, linguistic patterns and parenting styles.

Compare the variety of ways in which parents can participate in and support the early education program.

Examine techniques of assessing the resources and concerns of the child's family as well as setting family priorities.

Determine helpful agencies and support systems within the community for meeting the concerns of the family.

Analyze ethical issues occurring within the family/professional partnership.