Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship and (Companion Program Listed here), AAS

Program Description

The Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship and (name specific discipline) combines specific entrepreneurial and business courses with a student’s unique interest program major to assist in launching a business in that area.

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI (in program)
Student must complete six (6) credits of general education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
WR2 (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
PFDV 1500Managing Career Development

3 credits

Discipline Specific Technical Courses *

Course NumberTitleCredits
BADM 1005Business Math I

3 credits


BADM 1020Business Communications

3 credits


ENGL 2005Technical Writing

3 credits


BADM 2105Small Business Management

3 credits

ENTR 1501Survey of Entrepreneurship

1 - 3 credits

ENTR 1505Entr I: Entrepreneurial Mindset

3 credits

ENTR 1525ENTR II: Opportunity Analysis

3 credits

MGT 1040Bus Law I:Legal Environment of Business

3 credits

MGT 3110Business Ethics

3 credits

MKT 1000Sales

3 credits

MKT 3210Principles of Marketing

3 credits

Other Technical Courses *

15 credits

* The following courses may NOT be used to satisfy the Technical Studies Component: PEAC and PEAT prefixes unless they are identified as discipline-specific courses.


Total Credit Hours: 61