CSMO 1730 Cosmetology Lab I

This course explores the comprehensive chemical properties and the use of chemical treatment on hair. Emphasis is placed on safety precautions during the hair color process. Prerequisite: Completion of CSMO 1700,  CSMO 1702, CSMO 1705, and CSMO 1720. (6 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

Chemical Composition for Services Implementing Chemicals

Chemical Texture Services and Applications

Hair Color Applications

Infection Control Practices


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Explain how chemistry influences Cosmetology.

Explain the color level system.

Perform various hair color applications.

Explore the use of chemicals and their effect on the properties of hair.

Demonstrate proper safety and infection control practices.

Demonstrate hair color and chemical safety precautions.

Demonstrate the proper formulation of hair color.

Demonstrate a hair color consultation.

Demonstrate comprehensive skills in chemical texture applications.

Demonstrate the fundamentals of at least one computer program. (refer to General Education crosswalk)