CHEM 1090 Fundamentals of the Physical Universe

This course is designed to apply fundamental physical science principles to real life situations. Concepts in chemistry and physics are used to study the nature of science and the relationships between science and society. Topics include the scientific method, motion, energy, light, matter, electricity and magnetism, waves, atomic and molecular structures and chemical reactions. Primarily for elementary education majors (who should also enroll in EDEL 1440 concurrently or the following semester), this course may be used as a laboratory science course for other non-science majors. This course cannot be used as LSCI credit toward any A.S. degree in Science or Math. Students earning credit in CHEM 1090 may not earn credit in PHYS 1090. (3 lect., 3 lab) LSCI


4 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.