English, AA Expand All

Program Description

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) (in program)
WR2 (in program)
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS (May not be an ENGL prefix) 3 credits
HUM (May not be an ENGL prefix) 3 credits
LSCI 4 credits
MATH 3 credits
ORAL (in program)
SOC 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
CO/M 1030Interpersonal Communication

3 credits

ENGL 1010English Composition I

3 credits

ENGL 1020English Composition II

3 credits

ENGL 2005Technical Writing

3 credits

Program Electives

Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL 2000-2499*

15 credits

Additional courses with a HUM General Education designator

6 credits

General Electives (7 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 60